CPI supervisor Ensure compliance with Company’s HSE regulations while on site for installation, testing and commissioning of GRP piping system. They will perform Inspection of all GRP materials on site and report if any discrepancies are found. CPI supervisors shall also perform Inspection and ensure availability of proper equipment and other related GRP installation tools and materials, Ensure installation of pipe work in accordance with vendor’s specification and approved procedures. Identify any specialized enclosures / stops / ends required for field test. Check pipe work layout and supporting arrangements and make recommendations on any unforeseen problems regarding installation of the pipe. Supervise installation, handling and testing of the complete GRP pipe work, Witness hydro testing of the pipe system and verify that it is in accordance with the appropriate field test specification, Present and Ensure the correct alignment and make up of all flange connections, Sign all the joints records to confirm that the joints constructed are as per the approved procedure.